Who’s coming
Thanks to those who have registered!
Here are the people who have registered so far. Thanks guys ! This list will be updated every day. If you don’t find yourself in, don’t worry! If you have registered, we got you! If you haven’t registered, please do it ! It only takes a minute and it really helps us a lot to get things ready when you arrive! Thanks heap!
* Christopher Adams, Fabricatorz
* Christian Ambaud, Organisation int. de la Francophonie (OIF – IFN)
* Jean-Francois Baconnet, FAR Colony
* Davin Baragiotta, Montréal-Python
* Diane Beauséjour, ICGQ
* Lucas Beeler, Yorba Foundation
* Kai-Uwe Behrmann, OpenICC / Oyranos
* Kurth Bemis
* Sofian Benaissa, Koumbit.org
* Olivier Berten, SwatchBooker
* Louis Bouchard, Université de Montréal – Lab Vision3d
* Guillaume Bouilly, École Polytechnique de Montréal
* Sherry Broyles
* João Bueno, GIMP
* Andrew Busuioc
* Ana Carvalho, Libre Graphics Magazine
* Lavie Chabon, Mes MusiCouleurs/VEGESIGNES
* Coline Claude-Lachenaud
* Jon Cruz, Inkscape
* Donall Cutter, CFPV
* Hong Phuc Dang, FOSSASIA
* Marie Dauverné
* Elisa de Castro Guerra, Floss Manuals fr
* Louis Desjardins, Libre Graphics Meeting, Scribus
* Bernard Devillers, Mikros Image
* Mamadou Diagne, DakarLUG
* Adam Dingle, Yorba
* Gilles Dubuc, deviantART
* Alina Dumitrescu,
* Jean-François Fortin Tam, PiTiVi
* Rahul Garg, McGill University
* Jean Ghali, Scribus
* Timothée Giet, Krita
* Isabelle Guichard, Pappas Design studio
* Michael Halpert, deviantART
* John Haltiwanger, Open Source Publishing
* Christina Haralanova, Foulab
* Richard Hughes, Red Hat
* Pete Ippel, I make art and share ideas
* Bart Kelsey, OpenGameArt.org
* Claudia Krummenacher, Scribus
* Fil Krynicki, University of Waterloo
* Andrew Kuchling, Python Software Foundation
* Ben Lafreniere, University of Waterloo / AdaptableGIMP
* Ricardo Lafuente, Libre Graphics Magazine
* Marc Lariviere, Illustration Quebec
* Tom Lechner, Laidout, Laxkit
* Matt Lee, Foo Communications
* Kuifeng Lee, MadButterfly
* Sophie Leroy, SAT
* Isaac Lin, Ericsson Canada
* Julianna Lin, Xerox
* Peter Linnell, Scribus
* Ludivine Loiseau, OSP
* Arthur Magill, Centre d’Imagerie BioMédicale (CIBM)
* John Malloy
* Pierre Marchand, Fontmatrix, Fonzie, OSP, Scribus
* Sylvère Moulanier, realfreeworld.com
* Jon Nordby, MyPaint
* Martin Owens, Indie
* Benoit Ozell, Ecole polytechnique de Montréal
* Pierros Papadeas, Fedora, Mozilla
* Gilles Pénissard, Individuel
* Brad Phillips, Fabricatorz
* Jon Phillips, Fabricatorz
* Danny Piccirillo, Free Software Foundation
* Gregory Pittman, Scribus
* Christine Prefontaine
* Alexandre Quessy, Toonloop
* Boudewijn Rempt, Krita
* Alessandro Rimoldi, Scribus / Libre Graphics Meeting
* Nicolas Robidoux, Laurentian University/VIPS+ImageMagick+GEGL
* Sébastien Roy, Université de Montréal
* Eric Schrijver, schr.fr
* Celine Semaan-Vernon
* Femke Snelting, Constant, OSP
* Susan Spencer, tmtp
* Heidi Strohl, Koumbit.org
* Michael Terry, AdaptableGIMP
* Rene Tetreault, CFPV
* Barry Threw, Obscura Digital, Fabricatorz
* Lukáš Tvrdý, Krita
* Stéphane Vasseur, Tractr
* Stéphanie Vidal
* Andreas Vox, Scribus
* Christopher Webber, Creative Commons
* Nathan Willis, Create
more to come…
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