Submit talk

Late news!

Please note that the call for talks is now over and we are currently reviewing the talks proposals. Thanks for making a proposal! We will be in contact with each of you shortly no matter if your talk is accepted or not. The program will be online on Friday May 6.

Here are the talk proposals we have received so far. Please note that none of the talks have been approved just yet and we are still open for more talks. The deadline to make a proposal is April 20, 2011. You can suggest a regular or a lightning talk and you can also join a panel. If you feel a subject has not been covered yet and you’d like someone to talk about it, drop us a line on the Create mailing list. Happy proposing!

* A manhole to West Africa
* AdaptableGIMP
* Better and faster image resizing and resampling
* Comic book drawing with Krita
* Connecting Device Calibration to ICC Profiles
* Crafting an Open Font Stack
* Creative Free Network Services Panel
* Data Viz: Open Source and Open Sources
* EBook Design With Open Source
* Efficient Creative Web Workflows – An Investigation
* Fabricating a Libre Graphics Future
* Fostering an Environment of Pro-Artist User Interfaces
* Free Documentation on FLoss world
* Free Graphics Programming, experiences & thoughts
* Freeing Fonts For Fun And Profit
* Future Tools
* Generative Typesetting with Context
* Hackaplot: a project for collaborative art and cool hardware revival
* How to keep and make productive libre graphics projects? (Panel)
* How to make SVG speak spot color language
* Hypermedia and the Annihilation of Time and Space
* In situ animation with Toonloop
* Inkscape for beginners
* Know-How to Share: Beyond Software and Art
* Krita: Professional Digital Painting
* Laidout and Strange Interfaces
* Laying out democracy
* Libre Graphics Global Documentation Project
* Libre Graphics magazine: A year of fantastic
* Make free art now! Creativity with free software: FooCorp, GNU FM and the Free Software Foundation
* Making Avatars: Unleashing the Power of Inkscape and Open Clip Art Library to Create and Share
* Making color management “just work” using colord
* MyPaint – the past, the present and the future
* OSP: Adventures in distributed design
* Open Colour Standard: Dissipating the vapour
* Open Design: A Better User Experience Through Collaboration
* Open Mind, Literally: Utilizing and Teaching Free Culture As A Life Path
* PiTiVi and the state of GStreamer video editing
* Plain Text: Graphic Design and Programming Culture
* Print: The Final Frontier
* Publishing documentation with Publican
* Qt-Applicaion Development using Qt creator and designer
* Quick and Dirty Usability: Leveraging Google Suggest to Instantly Know Your Users
* Reaching out for, and retaining, contributors: Lessons from success
* Revivalism: open font conversion and other great awakenings
* Scribboo
* Scribus, O.I.F. branch
* Speaking human : thinking of the artist using your tools
* TMTP Open Source Digital Pattern Making software
* Towards an Document Object Model (DOM) for Scribus
* Using Blender for Patent Absurdity / advocacy animations

Since LGM 2009 we know How to inflict trauma on your audience !

This list might differ from the one that sits on our wiki. The wiki list is always up-to-date!

This post is also available in: French

Last edited on April 25, 2011