The Libre Graphics Meeting 2021
27-30 May, online and physical
2021 Edition is over
Thanks you all for this event !
If you want to watch the talks, go to peertube !
You can also follow the LGM news on our mastodon and twitter pages.
What is the LGM ?
The Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) is a yearly event about Free Software related to graphics.
Organized every year since 2006, the goal of the Libre Graphics Meeting is to attract developers, artists and professionals using and improving Free Software for creating graphical work.
The LGM fosters discussions between developers and users. Unlike many other events dedicated to Free Software, the LGM always has a strong artistic direction, with designers and artists showing their work along the developers work.
You can find more information on the history of the LGM on the organization website .
This event is targeted at artists, developers, professionnal designers or just curious people. Please consider being a partner or sponsor to support this great meeting.