Magic Lantern – Free Your Camera

Magic Lantern Logo
One of the projects which will have its first appearance at LibreGraphicsMeeting this year, is Magic Lantern. Magic Lantern is a free software add-on for most newer Canon EOS cameras. It allows you to get the most out of your camera and it adds many extra features that are not included from the factory by Canon.

Magic Lantern version 2.3 Promo from MagicLanternFM on Vimeo .

The project will show in a talk what Magic Lantern is and they will also offer a workshop focusing mostly on advanced photography with Magic Lantern’s unique functionality like raw overlays, ETTR, bracketing, dual ISO, focus stacking, the manual focus tools, long exposures and fisheye correction. Of course you can bring your camera and they will help to install Magic Lantern on it.

Join us in Leipzig at the 2014 LibreGraphicsMeeting to give your Canon EOS camera a little more freedom.