Call for Content Completed

The Call for Content was opened last November for submission of talks, workshops, or hackfests. Now the submission period is closed and we have the hard task ahead of us of selecting the talks and arranging them into a program schedule.

We have over 80 submissions to consider, and it’s going to be difficult to select the best ones!

This year we got many submissions around 3D graphics and Blender , but we also have darktable participating as a project. There are some new exciting things like the Magic Lantern free firmware project as well as the usual topics such as Color Management, Font Design, and Desktop Publishing.

We will inform all of the speakers of acceptance by January 25 th . The schedule will be published after all of the speakers have confirmed their session and timeslots. This should be by the end of January or early February.

We know you’re excited to see what will be happening at this years Libre Graphics Meeting, so over the course of the next few days we will be publishing some sneak peaks of the program. Stay Tuned!