Give us a hand

We need your help

  • locally in Vienna and abroad
  • before and during the LGM

Do you want to help? Register to the CREATE-mailinglist and introduce yourself or find us on IRC at #LGM on

Here is a list of tasks you can help us with: (you can regularly check it and see if there are new tasks…)

  • we would need to find (or buy a very cheap) laser printer… (luto?)
  • we need to find a place where we can buy (cheap/good quality/organic) t-shirts (@hofer?)
  • we need people who sit an information desk during the lgm
  • we may need people who take care of the recordings
  • it’s very late, but we may need to find a place for the great LGM dinner… any idea?

Get in touch with if you want to work on one of them.

Last edited on 29.04.2012