On voit sur cette photo, prise à l'Université de Wroclaw en Pologne, la plupart des développeurs et des supporters qui ont participé au Libre Graphics Meeting en 2008. Vous pouvez consulter la liste des participants qui ont confirmé leur présence au LGM à Montréal en 2009.
Les projets principaux
- prof. page layout
- prof. publishing features
- CMYK color
- ICC color management
- versatile PDF creation
- available in more than 24 languages
Scribus est un programme pour la PAO professionnelle offrant à la fois des sorties "prêtes pour l'impression" et une nouvelle approche de la mise en page.
Parmi ses fonctionnalités il y a la prévisualisation des séparations, les scripts Python et le support avancé de PDF 1.4.
Scribus fonctionne en mode natif sur Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows et OS/2 et est traduit dans plus de 25 langues.
Sous son interface moderne et conviviale, Scribus offre un éventail de fonctionnalités de publication professionnelle, comme le support des couleurs CMJN, les séparations, la gestion des profils ICC, le support des polices Open Type et la création et l'importation de fichiers PDF, EPS et SVG.
L'équipe Scribus est fière de son excellent support aux utilisateurs, avec un canal IRC vivant et une liste de discussion accueillante.
- creating new images
- CMYK, L*a*b and more colorspaces
- 8-32-bit per-channel
- support for natural painting tools
- integration with KOffice
Krita – a program named with Swedish word denoting "pencil" or "chalk" is a very promising bitmap graphics editor. Designed to be both a painting application and a photo editor, it is free software distributed under GNU General Public License and a part of K Desktop Environment and its KOffice suite.
- vector graphics editor
- complex scripts
- linked bitmap
- "live" object copies
- grouping objects
- filter effects
- masks and clipping paths
Inkscape est un logiciel libre d'édition de graphismes vectoriels, utilisant le format de fichiers Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) standard du W3C. Les fonctionnalités supportées incluent les formes, les chemins, le texte, les marqueurs, les clônes, les canaux alpha, les transformations, les motifs et les groupements. Inkscape supporte également les méta-données Creative Commons, l'édition de noeuds, les couches, les opérations de chemins complexes, la vectorisation des bitmaps, le texte suivant des chemins, le texte contournant des objets, l'édition XML directe et beaucoup plus. Il peut importer des formats tels que le Postscript, EPS, JPEG, PNG et TIFF, et exporte en PNG ainsi qu'en de nombreux formats vectoriels.
Le but principal d'Inkscape est de créer un outil de dessin puissant et simple d'utilisation, totalement conforme aux standards XML, SVG et CSS. Un objectif suplémentaire est de maintenir une communauté d'utilisateurs et de développeurs grandissante en utilisant un procédé de développement à la fois ouvert et orienté vers la communauté, et en s'assurant qu'Inkscape soit aussi simple à apprendre, à utiliser et à étendre que possible.
- raster graphics editor
- 150 standard effects and filters
- converting between different formats
- layers, selections, paths
- painting
GIMP, The GNU Image Manipulation Program, is a popular raster graphics editor application which supports also basic vector graphics.
GIMP can be used to process digital graphics and photographs: create pictures, resize and crop photos, combine multiple images, convert different image formats etc. It also allows creating simple animations in GIF format.
The Program offers full suite of painting tools (including brushes, pencil, airbrush, cloning tool, etc.), layers and channels, transformation tools (rotate, scale, shear and flip), selection tools (like rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy), path tool and supports many file formats, e.g. GIF, JPEG, PNG, XPM, TIFF, TGA, MPEG, PS, PDF, PCX, BMP. Great amount of plug-ins is available, which enables to experiment with different filters. GIMP functions can be called from external programs (such as Script-Fu) what enables automating often repeated or very complicated activities.
- modeling
- UV unwrapping
- texturing, rigging, skinning
- animating, rendering
- particle and other simulating
- non-linear editing
Blender is a free 3D animation program that can be used for modeling, UV unwrapping, texturing, rigging, skinning, animating, rendering, particle and other simulating, non-linear editing, compositing, and creating interactive 3D applications.
Among some of its features are:
- Support for a variety of geometric primitives, including polygon meshes, fast subdivision surface modeling, Bezier curves, NURBS surfaces, metaballs, digital sculpting, and vector fonts.
- Versatile internal rendering capabilities and integration with YafRay, an open source ray tracer.
- Keyframed animation tools including inverse kinematics, armature (skeletal), hook, curve and lattice-based deformations, shape keys (morphing), non-linear animation, constraints, vertex weighting, soft body dynamics including mesh collision detection, fluid dynamics, Bullet rigid body dynamics, particle based hair, and a particle system with collision detection.
- Python scripting for tool creation and prototyping, game logic, importing and exporting from other formats such as COLLADA and task automation.
- Basic non-linear video editing and compositing capabilities.
- Game Blender, a sub-project, offers interactivity features such as collision detection, dynamics engine, and programmable logic. It also allows the creation of stand-alone, real-time applications ranging from architectural visualization to video game construction.
The most noticeable examples of Blender employment were probably Spider-Man 2 movie and Elephant Dreams -- world's first "open movie".
Un ensemble complet d'outils pour le graphisme
Des douzaines d'autre projets forment un ensemble complet d'outils pour le graphisme qui permettent de gérer les polices, les couleurs, les pdf, les cliparts, ...
We catalyze communication and sharing between Free and Open Source creative software communities like Inkscape, Gimp, Scribus, Open Clip Art library, Open Font Library and more. We do Libre Graphics Meeting and share Specifications. Join our Mailing List, use the Wiki, or chat at #create on irc.freenode.net.- Output in many formats
- Non destructive editing
- C, C#, Python and Ruby interfaces
- XML serialization format (not-finalized)
- Iterative processing
- image stitching and warping
- photometric calibration
- lens distorsion correction
- HDR deghosting and merging
- flexible tonemapping
Open Clip Art Library
This project aims to create an archive of clip art that can be used for free for any use. There are over 12,000 clips from more than 700 artists available for download. The Open Clip Art Library uses open standard SVG files for vector format files and places all content into the public domain. The Open Clip Art Library is transitioning to the Creative Commons sponsored Open Source project, cHost , to host content and implement ideas of the community over the last couple of years. Of specific importance at this conference is to meet with developers, coordinate with other projects, and get some time with the community for hacking.Open Font Library
Typefaces we can all share.
The Open Font Library is a sister project of the Open Clip Art
Library. The goal of this project is to collect free software fonts -
those that may be used, changed and shared freely.
- Find fine fonts: The Open Font Library hosts the cream of non-proprietary typeface designs.
- Share your typefaces: Individuals share their work here and benefit from collaborative contributions.
- Learn how to make fonts: Become a better type designer with input from our global community.
- Start using @font-face: Link in to Web Fonts! We host font files that you can directly link to from your sites.
Oyranos is a operating system level Colour Management System (CMS). It allows applications and users to obtain a consistent colour match from supporting applications and workflows. Oyranos is intented to coordinate device specific informations (ICC colour profiles), configure theire system wide settings. Oyranos will in the future be able to convert colours across devices on various platforms.- Intuitive GTK+ interface
- Reads all dcraw supported formats
- Color management using Little CMS
- Batch processing
- Various post-shot controls
- Real time preview in full resolution
Rawstudio is a raw converter for photographers with an easy to use GUI and nice workflow with focus on multiple photo development.
- CMYK colorspace support
- CMYK support in Postscript
- Cairo-based engine
- Color managment
- Universal CDR importer
- Modern Ttk based user interface
sK1 is an open source vector graphics editor similar to CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, or Freehand. First of all sK1 is oriented for PostScript processing.
UniConvertor is a universal vector graphics translator. It uses sK1 engine to convert one format to another. Development of the import/export modules for this program goes through different stages, quality and feature coverage are different among formats.