For any questions including the program, sponsorship or media relations please contact:
Louis Desjardins
+1 514 934 1353 HAE / EDT GMT -5
1751, rue RIchardson, bureau 3517
Montréal (Québec) Canada H3K 1G6
louis.desjardins at
You can also talk to us directly in the #lgm channel on IRC on
Accessing the #lgm channel
Through the plugin below, you can join the #lgm IRC channel. Feel free to join the conversations that are taking place. Be prepared to wait at least 5-10 minutes and sometimes longer until someone notices your question. Remember, people in the channel volunteer their time for the Libre Graphics Meeting. They are not there all the time and may only monitor their IRC software only occasionally. You can leave this IRC session open in a browser tab and come back in a few minutes to see if anyone answered.
New to IRC? Here are some commands to get you started:
- /help Display help.
- /clear Clear the chat output in this channel.
- /nick [nick] Change your nickname.
- /msg [nick] [msg] Send a private message.
- /whois [nick] Find out all manner of things about someone.