As a consequence of the discussion in 2019 about the visibility we want to give to big corporate sponsors, before the LGM 2020 we should write down a set of clear rules that defines:
- Who can sponsor the LGM (or from whom we cannot accept sponsoring)
- What can a sponsor request? (who decides when a sponsor asks for special conditions?)
- What can a sponsor provide (location, money, …)
Possible rules to be discussed (please add further ideas):
- Sponsors are welcome to help the LGM, but the LGM is not an advertising platform. (ale)
- Specific sponsors are not individually mentioned during the introductory or closing conference. An exception can be made, if the sponsor is in the room. (ale)
- If a poster is created, it can include logos of all sponsors. (ale)
- If a program is printed, it should include the logos of all sponsors. They logos should not be too prominent. (ale)
- The website should have a list of all sponsors on a dedicated page. (ale)
- There should be no footer or header with a list of sponsors. (ale)
- There can be a difference between partners and sponsors. (ale)
- The size of the logos (in print and web) can depend on the monetary value of the sponsor. (ale)
- Sponsor can give money or resources for a specific goal, but we will not mention it in the sponsors list. (ale)