This is a book translated into multiple languages about Libre Graphics Meeting 2010.
Brain storm
Please add your idea too.
Dear all, I think brainstorm will let this book project more interesting, how do you think? If there is something else you want to say, feel free to do that. For example book’s name, style, design, and our team who does what, etc. (Edit Create Wiki or send e-mail to
- Name: Creativity and Future—A Double Wing of LGM (after read some LGM documents, get this, wlz)/《创造力与未来感——LGM的双翅》/ LGM2010 / #LGM2010 (Jon Phillips)…
- Introduction: will invite some organisers or critics write this.
- Design
Cédric Gémy will design our book,6aug2010
- Correct words (english, chinese and vietnamese?) Does that mean the books will be translated in 3 languages. If yes, is there an opportunity for another for I could do a french translation?(cedric, July9)
French too.(July)
- Book paper type:we need choose proper style from lots of paper type.
(Louis, 2aug2010) Let’s pick 100% post-comsumer recycled paper. No virgin pulp. No mixed sources. (wlz, 5aug2010) post-consumer recycled paper,good. (Jon,8aug2010)I hope we focus on a very ecological and reproducible method
- Thought:wlz think open source culture and technologies means what again, especially in region of art, this can help me edit when face lots of archive.(31July add) Found / This text was commissioned for the catalogue of a ’sci-art’ exhibition called ‘Wonderful’. It was removed from the catalogue for being too ‘negative’.(31July add)
- inside-cover, write what? 9 book members and?(31July add)
- Print: nearly 10 days per 1000 volume in print factory in CN, so volume is?(31July add)
(Louis, 2aug2010) We have to find out how this book is going to be distributed and to how many people before establishing the quantity to print. Then we need to find out what the budget could be.
(wlz,5aug2010)maybe readers including future LGM members whose mother tongue is English,add multiple languages who don’t have chance join LGM at canada,for example Southeast Asia etc.i noticed Hong Phuc’s report in brussels how to get contributors to your libre project from Vietnam and asia ,so i will discuss with her too. thanks Louis,how we know the reader’s number whose mother tongue is English?
(Hong Phuc and wlz,6aug2010)After we two discucssed this topic through skype,we decide research diffent print price between South-asia country,add Canada’s price,then our book team decide where get print.Hong Phuc can ask for some figure from a research company in Vietnam,thanks Hong Phuc.
( our book team , 8aug2010) Louis was ready to try to find a sponsor for the paper etc, Thanks Jon Phillips too.
- Work mode: Yes, I write this because sentence “figure out the structure of the book first, and then just make a chopping schedule to get it done” reminds me to think work mode with global members. Yes, Linear Thinking, Nonlinear Thinking and jumping thinking, it’s nice 9 members together thinking. It’s new work mode for me, in the past always editor/designer/translater focused on whose own area, ignore the intersection. It’s good together thinking.(wlz,August1)
- multiple languages: English ,Tiếng Việt vietnam,French,Chinese. i’m thinking maybe english text and other three languages text summary,it means less pages and less work, cause we almost can read english from globle’s ok? it’s topic we will discuss too.(wlz,5august)
- ISBN(International Standard Book Number)
(wlz,5aug2010),we need face ISBN too.we choose which country’s ISBN is the best way?do we really need one ISBN?
- Say clearly the the objective of each section :
(wlz,8aug2010),I try let myself from an reader point of view. Sec1:what(what’s LGM,how they organize) ,sec2:why and how(why LGM,LGM/open-source means what in culture,yes LGM get together software users,develops,artist etc. also work screen prove free-software’s excellence,then how new participants collaborate with Libre projects,new member means fresh ideas and viable collaboration in open-source world).Sec3:this part as support Chronicle, including soul and substance either.
- (wlz,20 sep2010),….
.(wlz,Sep23 mark).by the way,will update daily work when done the project.wlz will do finish LGM book project with friends in near future.if you have questions about the project ,please write here or send email to wlz,thanks everyone for all.
- ) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :):):)
- Questions & Answer:
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- All copyleft tools
- All copyleft final product
- Collaborative tools, conversion to docbook, multiple targets
- Translations howto?
- May 2010, visit LGM
- July 2010, 5 July-17 July focused on choose book content, first time translate, (English content, Chinese summary, and vietnam summary too?)
- Then, checklist in related to “how many pages, how to print, etc.”
- July-August 3: Finish write/edit chapter words in EN and CN, by wlz, /invite the introductions. /choose the freely-licensed images
- August 3-7: Improve the English text in the book, by Dave crossland, Hin-tak and others.
- August 7- : Finish translate in Vietnamese and French, by Hong Phuc, Mario and Cédric Gémy. (Because everyone have full-time job, not sure about this deadline.)
- August 11- : Design, Cédric Gémy.he just need to get it planned to make time for this.
- August 14-?: Critic in your eyes, then decide, amend, etc. Maybe send text to Louis Desjardins, Christopher Adams, Mario Behling, Dave Crossland, Cédric Gémy, Jon Phillips, Hong Phuc Dang, Hin-Tak Leung
- In late August, wlz wish finish this book. 🙂
(Because everyone have full-time job, we’re not sure about the deadline. But wlz will try to make sure about the timeline.)
Daily Work
- June 2010: visit bookstore /publising house/library, research.
- July 4: Send e-mail to our team.ready?go!
- July 5: Email again,collect information,read Lgm history.consider who write introduction?
- July 6: Receive some team reply e-mail.yes,consider who does what?
- July 7: Add “brain storm and work daily” here. Topic1 how about the book name Creativity and Future–A Double Wing of LGM Members or Creativity and Future–A Double Wing of LGM or other name? Topic2 welcome new member Cédric.
- July 8:Add new Chinese name,add other English name LGM2010 / #LGM2010 ( Jon phillips ). How about chinese name《创造力与幽默感——LGM的双翅》? connect book paper supporter. Hong Phuc and her partner would love to do vietnam translate.
- July 9: Contact possible vision designer. French translation ?( cedric )
- July 10: Contact possible video director.
- July 11: Some document, is the source files for the little Libre Graphics Magazine made at LGM.( Dave Crossland )
- July 12: Find our team memember “ Hin-Tak Leung and Louis Desjardins “never reply e-mail after one week,so make sure their e-mail address again.
- July 13: Introduction,pictures,logo,etc.
- July 14: Consider ISBN or?
- July 15: Rest today. July16 continue our project. (BJ time)
- July 16: Topic1 invite introduce writer(how many words is ok?),topic2 collect lgm picture ,collect sponsor logo.etc topic3 consider our team members who is good at what for our project?(9 persons together,lucky number:) )
- July 17: Type probable cost keeping,(as designer in our team,can save lots cost.)
- July 30-July31: Write Chapter 1,2,3… /say hello to our dream team after 9 days.
- July 31: Topic1, August3-5, improve the English text in the book, by Dave crossland and whom? Topic2, August9-11, design, whom? Topic3,can you send biography summary in English to wlz? I will translate in Chinese for probably Chinese reader, then write some words on inside-cover.
- August: wlz will probably finish write/edit words before August 3 in EN and CN. Then team correct and translate to Vietnamese and French, design, critic, (if start print book, need nearly 10 days per 1000 volume in print factory.)
- Aug1, answer July31 topics, about improve EN text, after finish structure, maybe choose “Cut the cake, then small pieces”, this way means less work and high efficiency. But Vietnamese and French translators still need face complete text. Maybe same way?
- Aug2,possible sponsor.( Louis Desjardins )
- Aug3,edit .write.
- Aug4,put structure here,continue open source writer and consultant.
- Aug5,edit,write.add brain storm.btw,Femke will add article too.
- Aug6,edit,discuss print and translation.make sure designer.
- Aug7,edit,almost make sure where to print,who sponsor.
- Aug8,replied questions,updating wiki website.
- Aug9,edit
- Aug10,edit
- Aug11, receive many “automatically generated Delivery ” email from Aug6,try resolve now.
- Aug12, is nice for the project.
- Aug13,translation
- Aug14,translation,make sure Christopher Adams will write article too.
- Aug15,rest Sunday.
- Aug16,edit,translate…
- Aug17,conference at Beijing Film Academy.
- Aug18,remind part of our article writer,thanks they promise write text when busy work or relax holidays.
- Aug19,edit
- Aug20,translate
- Aug21, rest saturday,review raining BJ.
- Aug22-24,research document.
- Aug25,edit
- Aug26,translate
- Aug27,confefence at BFA.
- Aug28-29,rest weekend
- Aug30,contact designer,vietnam and french translator.
- Aug31,visit BIBF
- Sep1,write summary.
- Sep2,discuss articles’s copyright etc.
- Sep3-4,personal trip.
- Sep5,collect biography.translate.
- Sep6-9,write paper.
- Sep10-15,write paper
- Sep16-20,polish degree paper…
- Sep21-22,Error 503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable Guru Meditation: XID: 960009192
September:by the way,will update daily work when done the project.wlz will do finish LGM book project with friends in near future.if you have questions about the project ,please write here or send email to wlz,thanks everyone for all.(wlz,Sep23 mark).
- Louis Desjardins
- Christopher Adams
- Mario Behling
- Dave Crossland
- Cédric Gémy
- Jon Phillips
- Hong Phuc Dang
- Hin-Tak Leung
- Wang Lingzheng
- Please add yourself in alphabetical order (family name)
- email
- skype :wanglingzheng000
- Wang Lingzheng ,wlz’s major is Art history and library science, once help building one contemporary art center, edit some books on contemporary art, write article including art and our interesting life. She lives in China now./
BOF Plan
In relation to the Technical Printing Specs below we need to have a clear plan of the book’s content structure in chapters or sections and in number of pages. When we ask people to write down something, we should give them guidelines in terms of how many words to write. We need to settle on the translations and know ahead how many page the book will be even if the number of pages might change a little bit when we face the content reality. (Louis, August 2, 2010)
- Introductions + Interest
Collect materials from the conference
- Photos
- Videos
- Presentations
- Sponsors logos
Get 2-5 people to write up a summary of the conference
- Christopher Adams
- Femke Snelting
- Nathan
- ?
- Plan out layout
- Design layout
- Finalize layout
- Publish files on wiki here
- Get the book printed hopefully in time for LGM 2011
Collect materials from the conference
- Also, what would be the clear least deliverables to make this great?
- HOWTO Accomplish
- Realidad? (reality assessment)
- Who does what? (division of labor)
Book structure
i put the structure here, might change a little bit when finish edit.(wlz,4august,BJ time)
- Cover, inside cover
- Page numbers etc. ( 2%preface statement+30%Section one+50%Section Two+15%Section Three+2%Conclusion at the end+1%direct video CD )
- Preface :Page1-3
Curator or orgnizer’s Statement
- The founder or sponsor’s statement:The Philosophy of the Libre Graphics meeting
Section One
- Chapter1:Chronicle( including maybe10%LGM2011+50%LGM2010+40%documents 2006 till 2009..organizers & teams etc .)
Section Two
- Chapter 1: Open Source culture Writer and Consulant’s article
- Chapter 2:Works Screened
- Chapter 3: Projects introduction to our globle reader.(Including logo website/contact etc .(multilingual version book help to bring about future globle cooperation)
Section Three
- Some new Seminar participants’s point of view,
- Sponsor’s logo,short summary ,contact etc .(multilingual version book help to bring about future globle cooperation)
- Conclusion at the end :page?-?
- Direct video CD (I asked my friends who teach animation at Shanghai University and Beijing Film Academy help me direct montage the LGM video, they will work as volunteers.)
- Cover
Book Design
- sect2-ch2 / sect2-ch3 : works before softwares. I’m glad with’s pretty handy to have a CMYK booklet this way and it puts art in the foreground, which is a good thing to show waht can be done with the software.(cedric,6august)
- ……
Technical Printing Specs
We need to discuss and then decide on what kind of book this is going to be. Here are the printing specs we need to establish. Then we’re going to need quotes from various printers. Then we might decide to change some of the specs. Price depends on all the variables below.
Book format
- Finished Format
- Open Format
Interior pages
- Number of pages
- Bleed or not
Paper (weight, color, finish, 100% recycled post-consumer)
- Paper or papers (we can mix papers from section to section, for instance if we have a color section it could be printed on another paper)
Print in Black ink or CMYK or a mix of the two, or spot colors?
- If it’s a mix of colors, then we need to fit each into specific printing signatures of the book to keep costs as low as possible. In other words, if we have a color section for instance, it’s going to be — depending on the final format of the book — 8 or 16 or 32 pages.
- Print in CMYK? Spot? CMYK + Spot, Black ink only?
- Paper (weight, color, finish, 100% recycled post-consumer)
- Postpress finition (embossed, die-cut, hot-stamping, etc.)
- Perfect Binding (soft cover) or Hard Cover Binding (sewed or not, hard cover, laminated or not) — Cost will increase dramatically if we pick Hard Cover binding.
- Quantity
Handling and Shipping
- Where to ship, in what quantities, at what speed
Book Sponsor
share good news with our all members.yes 2010-08-08 is lucky day too.wlz.
- ( Louis ,8aug2010):I am ready to try to find a sponsor for the paper (a paper mill, the same who has helped us in 2007) and a sponsor for the offset printing. I can sponsor the prepress part, RIPing and proofs as well as coordination of the project.
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