Open-source chocolate molding with porous 3d printing
Jonathan-David Schröder
17:00 - 17:30
In 2023, Blender and Inkscape tricks have been shown at the GrafikLabor, explaining how to design french Petit Ecolier-like chocolate biscuit molds and cookie cutters. This time in 2024, a low-tech PrusaSlicer / Cura3D trick will be demoed to obtain more precise low-relief food-safe molds during thermoforming. The Libre Graphics Meeting logo will be used for making chocolate chip molds with 3 techniques on a dental vacuum-forming machine (FDM without vents, FDM with CAD-made vents, FDM with slicer-step intrinsinc porosity). Such food safe molds can be used for ice cubes, ice cream, cake iced inserts and chocolate bars! Resulting molds will be available to all participants during the event, to make their own ice cubes for drinks or simple yoghurt-based ice creams.