Talks are being streamed as they happen here:
LGM Starting tomorrow
Libre Graphics Meeting starts tomorrow at PUC-Rio – we open with Brazilian portuguese talks, at 14h00 PM local time (GMT-3, 19h00 CEST). We will have two tracks – one with Brazilian and international speakers – and the other one hosting the co-conference GNUGraf, with Portuguese only talks.
LGM Anouncement on PUC-Rio site
We have a post on the hosting department of the University site about upcoming LGM (in Portuguese). The report detail the doubling along of international Libre Graphics Meeting with national “GNUGraf” that will be taking place along this year’s LGM. More news soon!
Call for Participation is Open
Presentations, workshops and BoF submissions are open. Get to the details and the form on the Program section.
Rio 2017
The organization of the 2017 issue apologizes for the delayed website. Meanwhile people who will need VISA letters to Brazil can ask for them by e-mailing a request to the email address
The official call for presentations will take place rather soon through a form on the website. Any questions about details for the call for presentations can be addressed, for the time being, to the above e-mail address.
We should have slots for 20 minute talks, 3 hour workshops and, people wishing so, may also pre-submit 5 min lightning talks, although we plan to have subscriptions for some lightning talk slots open at the conference floor as well.
Even on this brief note we state that the Libre Graphics Meeting is an open place for people of all genders, ethnicity and religious or existential beliefs to be at, without embarrassment of any nature, including indirect harassment, and participating people are required to respect the terms of conduct that will warrant the well being of all those present.
The LGM-2017 venue is at
Auditório del Castilho
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225, Gávea –
Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brasil – 22451-900