LGM Logo, Font and Photos
The official LGM Font: OSP-DIN (Truetype Font)
Photos from previous LGMs: https://www.flickr.com/groups/libregfx/
Key points about the Libre Graphics Meeting
Libre Graphics Meeting has taken place on an annual basis, since 2006. Previous locations are Lyon, Montreal (three times), Wrocław, Brussels, Vienna, Madrid and Leipzig. The 2015 edition takes place in Toronto.
LGM promotes discussions amongst software developers, users, and the large intersection of those two categories. Unlike many events devoted to Free/Libre Open Source Software, LGM has always had a strong artistic bent, with designers and artists showcasing their work alongside the work of software developers.
A sample of projects of the kind that might be represented at LGM includes software such as Blender, Gimp, Hugin, Inkscape, Krita, Scribus, and artistic works including fonts, books, illustration and identity design.
Work presented at LGM, whether software or design, is almost always licensed permissively, whether under the GNU GPL or BSD software licenses, or the Creative Commons family of permissive licenses for creative or cultural works.