Libre graphics meeting, April 10-13 2013, Madrid Future Tools Tue, 11 Jun 2013 19:52:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Books at LGM 2013 Wed, 10 Apr 2013 10:50:19 +0000 Christoph

Curating as environmentalism

Curation: Elke van Campenhout & Adva Zakai

Heroic Real Estate Otter of the 21st Century

The Maggot

On November 2, 2012, five writers met in the austere, white confines of the Inspace gallery, in Edinburgh, Scotland and wrote for seven hours. They were later joined by two other contributors. Their work was coldly delegated and mediated by a software edit-machine known as The Maggot. This book is the the chewed-up corpse of the corpus that arose.

Order it from LuLu.


L’Ève future – Spécimens de fontes libres

Auguste de Villiers de L’Isle-Adam, Manuel Schmalstieg et al.

Les fontes libres et open-source affichent depuis quelques années une grande vitalité, notamment suite à leur entrée dans les navigateurs Web et l’apparition de services en ligne comme Google Webfonts. La grande variété de ces fontes fut le déclencheur de ce livre, élaboré lors d’un workshop à la HEAD (Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design de Genève) en février 2013. Réalisé par des étudiants du cursus communication visuelle, ce livre présente plus de deux cents spécimens de fontes libres, permettant d’examiner et de comparer leurs caractéristiques pour différents corps de texte. S’il est en premier lieu un répertoire typographique, ce catalogue se parcourt également comme un roman, puisqu’il présente l’intégralité de “L’Ève future”. Ce récit d’anticipation, publié en 1886 par Auguste de Villiers de L’Isle-Adam, propose une grande diversité de signes typographiques et offre un excellent terrain au jeu des caractères.

English version ‘Mots de la cage’

Dutch / French version ‘Mots de la cage’

Tracks in electronic fields

The Death of the Authors – A Constant Remix

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Drop by, say hello! Tue, 09 Apr 2013 11:36:46 +0000 ale If you’re already in Madrid, you’re welcome to drop by at the LGM venue and say hello! There are still no signs marking the entry, so here a picture of the way to the big entry gate!

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Support LGM Mon, 01 Apr 2013 22:41:38 +0000 FS Please help us bring developers to Madrid for the Libre Graphics Meeting 2013: Future Tools. Your donation helps us to reimburse support volunteer developers and presenters that would otherwise be unable to journey to Madrid. Your donation will be used for travel only so every contribution counts!

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Medialab-Prado in Madrid and the Printing Industry Sun, 24 Mar 2013 16:19:06 +0000 FS Sunday 14 April: Post-LGM activity!
Guided tour by the Make Barrio workstation, coordinated by David Rodriguez

The aim of these visits is to meet two of the oldest cultural industries MedialabPrado environment related graphic production. Since the sixteenth century the Juan de la Cuesta Printing inhabits the old house of the former St. Carmen Hospitalillo. During the Siglo de Oro, the literary and theatrical community bustled around this printer who came in record time to publish the first edition of Don Quixote. Today, this spirit is maintained by the activities of the cultural center of the Cervantes Society.
The once Imprenta Municipal de Madrid (Municipal Printing) inhabits a beautiful rationalist building, a collection of machines that until recently almost exclusively printed entire graphic production of the City of Madrid, and a workshop “live” where they are still engaged in productive activities. The proposed visit, what is all this legacy, but mostly to see how even develops a graphic workshop in this institution.

Start of the visit Sunday 14 April 10h.45 Medialab Prado – Belgian Sawmill
11h. Printing Juan de la Cuesta (See Cervantes Society), Calle Atocha 87
12h. Museo de la Imprenta Municipal – Artes del Libro Calle. Concepción Jerónima, 15

Free access; be on time!

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Program on-line! Tue, 12 Mar 2013 20:51:13 +0000 FS The program is on-line! Four days of talks, lectures, performances, meetings and workshops gathered here:

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What would you like to happen at LGM? Tue, 12 Mar 2013 17:06:41 +0000 FS In this years’ registration form we included the following question: “What would you like to happen at LGM?” Here are some of the inspiring answers so far:

“Learn a lot, discover new things to learn, meet amazing people, and hack a lot, maybe create something new”
“Inspiring futures for paper and for contents!”
“I am looking forward to the workshops to get hands on experience and learn about new tools and new things happening in the Libre Graphics community. I would also like to meet people to see how I can contribute more.”
“I would love to improve the link between design tools and developers. We should be able to bring the design community into the open source community and make them participate improving with their vast experience the current and future tools. We need them as much as they need us!”
“I would like to: Meet Carlos Lopez Gonzalez (Synfig developer) and have a coding sessions together, Meet Nina Paley (artist) for discussing the technologies of animation in Synfig, Meet other artists, have a discussions with them and promote the Synfig as the animation tool, Have a lot of fun”
“I dont know!!”
“Conversations about tool development, perhaps experiments with emerging input hardware.”
“Collaboration on new visions on free culture. Let’s hack reality.”
“Great connections, intellectual interchange, collaborations, discovering of new tools and strategies, meeting wonderful people”
“Meet all the nice people in real life that I hang around with in IRC all day.”
“Presentations on Blender tools”
“I would like to obtain Future Tools! No, seriously I don’t know. This is my first Libre Graphics event. I guess I wish to meet various interesting people, to discover nice projects, graphics tools or workflows I had no idea of, and that I may wish to use in the future.”
“A Panel/Meeting on teaching FLOSS+Art/Design in formal education”
“Looking forward to meet passionnate people, spend time with a few folks I already had a chance to meet (Ale from Scribus team, OSP people, Dave Crossland), discover Medialab Prado and Madrid.”
“Development of tools and ideas that really help us to manage with this new reality, this new era of creativity, production and sharing.”
“I would like to translate all darktable manuals to spanish, since I have found in it, not only an awesome tool, but also something that has been really helpful to my work. I have already translated the app, so the next step is to go for the big task.”
“Meeting with other like-minded people to discuss color management in Linux.”
“Provocative but rather short presentations. Informal workshops and hacking sessions”
“I’d like to see the current status and future plans of Libre Graphics tools. I have a special interested in tools that help designers and creators collaborate.”
“Exchange of ideas and knowledge”
“A round table on the theme Future Tools with users and makers of F/LOSS software. Presentations and lightning talks, workshops and all that jazz!”

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Questions and Answers Tue, 19 Feb 2013 06:54:55 +0000 FS Add to the growing list of Questions and Answers about Libre Graphics. 2013. Your contributions will be used to generate posters to promote LGM2013: Future Tools!

You can also include this Q + A as a widget into a webpage:

(Thank you LAFKON and Alex Leray)

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Looking for collaborators Mon, 11 Feb 2013 09:24:37 +0000 FS You are welcome to stay in Madrid, following the meeting, to collaborate on the prototyping and development of 9 projects aimed at the creation of new tools to design, edit, draw and write together.
Medialab-Prado offers free lodging to collaborators in a Youth Hostel from 10 to 27 April (limited seating!).

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Sign up for LGM Fri, 23 Nov 2012 10:29:55 +0000 FS LGM is above all an occasion for developers and designers to meet and discuss libre tools, technologies and ideas. Participation is free and registration is not required, but it is important for others to know if you’ll be there too, so please take a minute and sign up here.

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