Up to now, 170 persons have alreay registered for this years Libre Graphics Meeting in Brussel:
- Christopher Adams
- Abidun Ajayi (create)
- George Atanasov
- Tavmjong Bah (inkscape)
- Thorsten Behrens (OpenOffice.org)
- Kai-Uwe Behrmann (oyranos)
- Yiannis Belias (oyranos)
- Olivier Berten (swatchbooker)
- Camille Bissuel (libregraphicsworld)
- Sophie Bissuel
- Benoit Bolsee (blender)
- Quentin Bolsee (ColorCube Studio)
- Emanuele Bonetti
- Hylke Bons (tango)
- Loredana Bontempi
- Craig Bradney (scribus)
- Anders Brander (rawstudio)
- Nicu Buculei (Fedora Design Team)
- Simon Budig (gimp)
- Joao Bueno (gimp)
- Ana Carvalho
- Philippe Casteleyn (blender)
- Gemy Cedric (inkscape)
- Jan Claeys (Ubuntu-be LoCo Team / Ubuntu project)
- Steve Conklin (Canonical)
- ginger coons (Open Colour Standard)
- Jean-Pierre Couwenbergh
- Dave Crossland (openfont)
- Jon Cruz (inkscape)
- Jose Cruz (graphic designer using free software)
- Erik Dahlström (Opera developer / SVG WG co-chair)
- Hong Phuc Dang (FOSS Vietnam)
- Jeremy Davidson (blender)
- Frederik De Bleser (NodeBox)
- Elisa de Castro Guerra (inkscape)
- Alexia Death (gimp)
- Aileen Derieg
- Louis Desjardins (scribus)
- Marcos Diaz (Nathive)
- Alexandre Dulaunoy
- Johan Engelen (inkscape; lib2geom)
- Livio Fania (gimp)
- Andy Fitzsimon (openclipart)
- Daniel Fore (elementary Project)
- Sophie Gautier (OpenOffice.org)
- Anthony Grasso (SVG)
- Otto Greenslade (Canonical (Ubuntu's Visual Design Lead))
- John Haltiwanger (Participant observer, generative design neophyte, FLOSS fiend.)
- Samsondeen Hammed
- Kenneth Henry (masters candidate at piet zwart institute)
- Marcus Holland-Moritz
- Pierre Huyghebaert (osp)
- Pete Ippel
- Denis Jacquerye
- Philippe Jadin
- Tobias Jakobs
- Helen Varley Jamieson (UpStage)
- Inga Kaupelyte
- Claudia Krummenacher
- Anders Kvist (rawstudio)
- Ben Laenen (DejaVu Fonts)
- Ricardo Lafuente
- Sylvie Launay
- Anders Lauritsen (rawstudio)
- Tom Lechner (Laidout and Laxkit)
- Alexandre Leray (osp)
- Garrett LeSage (tango)
- Hin-Tak Leung (Ghostscript / Artifex)
- Chris Lilley (W3C)
- Tor Lillqvist (gimp)
- peter linnell (scribus)
- Ludivine Loiseau (osp)
- ivan louette (inkscape)
- Soenke Maeter (blender)
- Pierre Marchand (fontmatrix)
- Jose E. Marchesi (GNU PDF)
- Michael Muré (gimp)
- Alok Nandi (font design a.o.)
- Jon Nordby (mypaint)
- Igor Novikov (sk1)
- Lila Pagola (Nómade project: Free software art and design initiative)
- Pierros Papadeas (Fedora Project)
- Akkana Peck (gimp)
- livinus pelgrims
- Stani Phatch (phatch)
- Jon Phillips (openclipart; Fabricatorz.com)
- Susi Pinzolas (graphic designer using free software)
- Gregory Pittman (scribus)
- Klaus Post (rawstudio)
- Bruno Postle (hugin)
- Alexander Prokudin (libregraphicsworld)
- Boudewijn Rempt (krita)
- Martin Renold (mypaint)
- Alessandro Rimoldi (scribus)
- Ton Roosendaal (blender)
- Leonard Rosenthol (PDF Standards Architect)
- Felipe Sanches (inkscape)
- Vladimir Savic
- Doug Schepers
- Franz Schmid (scribus)
- Eric Schrijver
- Michael Schumacher (gimp)
- Christoph Schäfer (scribus)
- peter sikking (gimp)
- Sulev-Madis Silber
- Katerina Skotalova
- Femke Snelting (osp)
- Martin Sourada (Fedora Design Team.)
- Kasper Souren (free software hacker)
- Nicolas Spalinger (openfont; OpenFont (Core team developer), Debian and Ubuntu font teams, SIL NRSI)
- Susan Spencer (fashion design)
- Jakub Szypulka (tango)
- Barry Threw
- Thomas Torfs
- Vitezslav Valka (inkscape)
- Jasper van de Gronde (inkscape)
- Pablo Vazquez (blender)
- Nathan Vegdahl (blender)
- Hiran Venugopalan
- Ruben Vermeersch (F-Spot)
- Stéphanie Vilayphiou (osp)
- Andreas Vox (scribus)
- Lingzheng Wang
- Peter Westenberg (open source video)
- Nathan Willis (create)
... and 45 other developpers, supporters or fans which do not wish to be listed.